Nine months ago you shared the story of my daughter Maddi on stage with Green Day.
I thought you might like the rest of the story.
She already had a YouTube channel with one of her own music videos on it. A month later we posted the video of her on stage with Green Day. The Green Day video rapidly gained about 30,000 views and her own video ended up with about 1,800 views. That video helped her get into the Los Angeles College of Music.
Three weeks ago, 8 months after the Green Day performance, her Green Day video ended up being the number 1 story on She was on page one of and a popular site in Russia. In just 3 weeks her channel has 1.6 million views.
She now has almost 10,000 subscribers to her channel, her Spotifiy listens are up over 2,500% and she has sold CD’s in Russia, UK, France, and Mexico!
The most exciting part of all of this is that she has been asked to perform at 20 different shows in the Los Angeles / Hollywood area including the famous Viper Room!
A lot of people call it luck. I think this is a great example of when preparation and opportunity intersect.