Behind the Scenes in Heaven
Standard Operating Procedure says, “once it’s created, throw away the mold.” So, God must have been pretty pleased with Himself as He tucked this blueprint into a hidey-hole for safe keeping.
March 29, 1958, God gleefully fetched the blueprint and handed it off to the Guardian Angel of Roy H. Williams. (Don’t want to rub His face in it, but God almost missed the occasion of Williams’s birth. He was too busy busting a gut. Seems five days previous, Elvis was inducted into the U.S. Army, frightening Mother Russia so badly Nikita Khrushchev was hastily made Soviet Premier.)
This blueprint detailed the exact, twelve-step formula for extraordinary personal success.
Unbeknownst to Williams, he was predestined to be a winner. Goober (Roy’s angel) implemented the plan to perfection.
Step 1: Have a middle name starting with the letter “H.” (Hollister qualified.)
Step 2: Be raised in Oklahoma, mostly by one parent. Father absent. (Check.)
Step 3: Do menial jobs at a young age in a radio station. (Paving the future.)
Step 4: Study human nature diligently. (“What makes people do what they do?”)
Step 5: Marry best friend and call her by a pet name; that of an archetype. (Princess works.)
Step 6: Be devout to both God and the principles of America. (Absolutely.)
Step 7: Become a student of history and tell it in fascinating ways. (Deja vu.)
Step 8: Master the medium of radio. (Ditto.)
Step 9: Make millions for their clients through the telling (and selling) of stories. (Can’t shut either of them up…and we’re the better for it.)
Step 10: Become a best-selling author by publishing a collection of brief but compelling chapters; 101 to be exact. (Both do it multiple times.)
Step 11: The more successful they become, the more they lean on their indispensable spouses to run their dream businesses. (The two women are gifted, not flaky like their husbands.)
Step 12: Write a later best-seller using the title, Destiny. (Either Roy used creative license and named his Destinae…or he’s a poor speller.)
It’s no wonder Roy H. Williams has achieved shining star status, as his angel steered him on the identical path, using the same blueprint, as one of his own legendary heroes – Paul H. Aurandt…better known by his middle name…Paul Harvey (guided by his wife…”Angel”).
And now you know THE REST OF THE STORY.
– Bob Wakitsch
Although it puts his story over the 600-word limit,
Bob asked that I might include the following addendum.
And being the supreme ruler of the rabbit hole, I decided to oblige him.
– Indy Beagle
About the Standing Stone…
At eight years old I was condemned to hell by a nun when she discovered I was blessed with the ability to see energy – literally. It shows itself to me as colors.
A few Decembers ago while my wife and I were attending Crazy in Love, we were seated near the door to the patio during lunch. As people opened the door to enter or exit the room, the palms of my hands pulsed painfully, like a large magnet beneath the skin trying to make its escape.
After lunch, we adjourned to the patio, and my palms throbbed violently. I was drawn to a metal trellis. It felt like a tornado of energy circling down into the earth; an energy vortex. A long, thin rock stood upright in the middle of the trellis, which is where I felt the strongest pull. While painful, I couldn’t move, captivated by the swirl. Daniel Whittington happened by and my wife asked him about the rock. He told us an amazing story about the day Roy and Pennie purchased the property. It seems that when they were searching for the highest point on the plateau so they could build the tower there, they found that this rock had been placed upright on that very spot, many years before.
Astonishingly, during the entire construction of the Tower, including all the excavating, the upright rock was never disturbed, even though it is perched only a few feet from the patio of the Tower.
When Roy and Pennie told him about the rock, the trellis above it was a welcoming gift from the real estate broker who sold them the property.
While the story isn’t likely be included in the book, Secrets of the Wizard Academy Campus, one of the reasons you might be attracted to Wizard Academy is that it fills your heart with a sense of ‘belonging’ because it sits on a vortex of the most peaceful place in the United States, where every diverse type of person is welcome and allowed to flourish.
It is no coincidence that Pennie, embodying a Soul of Peace, found the perfect piece of property.
– Bob Wakitsch