The Wizard’s Theology
for those who are incurably curious
Wizzo believes that God spoke a universe into existence and that the Life that was the Word he spoke later became flesh and dwelt among us. He also believes that creatures adapt and evolve to their surroundings. But he doesn’t believe evolution to be the origin of the species. Wizzo’s answer to the question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” is that the chicken, or some ancestor of the chicken, was spoken into existence by God and that this tribe of chickens laid eggs from which hatched the second generation of chickens (or predecessors of chickens.)
Wizzo recognizes that it is perfectly reasonable for him to accused of Magical Thinking in these matters, but this is what he believes anyway.
Wizzo sees clear evidence thoughout the ancient writings that God put the earth into the hands of mankind. He says that things are screwed up because WE are in charge here. As Arthur C. Clark said, “You can’t have it both ways. You can’t have both free will and a benevolent higher power who protects you from yourself.”
The wizard says, “I believe in a benevolent higher power. But he gave up the ability to protect us from ourselves when he created us ‘in his own image.’ (Genesis ch. 1) He gave us the ability to look him in the face and say, ‘No.’ He created beings he did not control. Those beings are you and me. Choices and consequences, actions and reactions, time and chance and the decisions of others…”
“The good news is that we have free will. We are in charge.
The bad news is that we have free will. We are in charge.”
Wizzo sees perfect agreement between the book of Genesis, the Gospel of John and Ed Witten’s version of string theory (M-theory.) He has written about these things in the past.
Science and faith do not always disagree and Jesus is who he claimed to be. At least that’s what Wizzo believes.
– Indiana Beagle