Here’s the wizard’s paraphrase:
From the one comes the two.
From the two comes the three.
From the three comes all things.
All things are made of duality.
Blended opposites create the depth of harmony.
We see this throughout nature. Let’s look at chemistry.
Protons and electrons, a positive and negative duality, are joined
by neutrons, a third entity that carries no charge of any kind.
All the matter in the universe it made of just these three.
“From the three comes all things.”
All colors are composed of just three primaries: Red, Yellow and Blue
if you are mixing pigments to reflect light (inks, paints, and dyes.)
Red, Green and Blue if you are mixing lightwaves
(televisions, computer monitors and video projectors.)
“From the three comes all things.”
We could go on and on.