Notice the role played by the numbers in this sixty-second radio ad
for Ramsey’s Diamond Jewelers in New Orleans, a client of the wizard
for more than 20 years now. The numbers don’t inform in any
meaningful way. They’re just an excuse to tell a story.
Good stories are what advertising is all about.
LORI: Most engagement rings are made from white gold.
ROBERT: It’s beautiful.
LORI: But there’s another metal more rare than gold.
ROBERT: It’s heavier,
LORI: stronger,
ROBERT: more durable,
LORI: and more valuable… Platinum.
ROBERT: And it has a much higher melting point.
LORI: (confused) What?
ROBERT: Gold melts at 19 hundred and 48 degrees.
Platinum takes the heat up to 32 hundred!
LORI: I’m not really sure that’s important, Robert.
ROBERT: Oh, it’s important.
LORI: How do you figure?
ROBERT: So the guy gets down on one knee, right?
LORI: Okay.
ROBERT: And he pops open that beautiful box from Ramsey’s.
LORI: Okay.
ROBERT: And then he says, (pause, pause pause…)
“I had it made from platinum, Baby, ’cause you’re WAY too hot for gold.”
LORI: Robert, have you been listening to Barry White again?
ROBERT: Right own, Baby, right own.
ROY: Platinum engagement rings
ROBERT: (interrupting) ” ’cause she’s too hot for gold.”
ROY: at Rrrramsey’s Diamond Jewelers, on Veterans at I-10 in Metairie.
Copyright May 18, 2014, Roy H. Williams Marketing, Austin, TX