from our correspondent in St. Petersburg, Russia
Ogilvy’s St P. office is a client of ours, only there are a tonne of project managers there, and we had really only one contact person, with a few other managers who knew vaguely about us. I was chatting to the lovely Katya, my contact person, on skype one day. Joked something about her using our corporate plane if she needed it; she said she hadn’t time, but couldn’t we send our pilot to Paris early one morning to pick up some croissants and deliver them to her?
Well, needless to say we don’t have a corporate plane, let alone a pilot, but the idea took seed, and a few weeks later, costumes hired, boxes specially made, 65 croissants ordered, we barged into the Ogilvy offices mid-morning and distributed to an amazed team of advertising and PR professionals a load of fresh croissants.
The initial silence was followed by the odd “WTF?”, and then a huge round of applause, posing for photos, and many grins all around. Followed numerous thanks emails, and lots of comments on the facebook photos. Plus everyone I know and work with in St P, and further afield, saw the pictures too. For an outlay of about 350 USD, that was some awesome publicity in itself. But the best bit was the orders that followed. We’ve seen a huge surge in translation and interpreting orders from them since, so the costs were covered within a month. Result!
I was wondering about popping in to WA in Jan, but so far no details on courses for then. Saw another of my missives in a rabbit hole the other week – thanks.
Well done! You’re doing amazing things.
This latest was a perfect example of Buzz Snatching. Take a look.
February 2nd.
Roy H. Williams
That sounds delightful, thanks. I’ll see if I can tie it in.
Quick question: listening to Moondance by Van Morrison, I suddenly wondered whether hit songs by artists who continually pump out hit songs also depend on 3rd Grav Bods for their success? I ask because I couldn’t identify one in the song, and then I remembered that we only looked at one-hit wonders in the example. So I figured perhaps there was a different formula for repeat successes?
The Answer to the question posed by William Hackett-Jones can be found in the rabbit hole. Do you know how to get in?
Roy H. Williams