This guy is definitely not a hobbyist but the real deal, an actual painter.
Look down the street in the painting to the far end of that row of trees
bordering the sidewalk in front of Notre Dame. Remember our street comedian?
That’s the spot where he was working. And about 75 yards behind the back of this painter
is the Cafe St. Regis, where we are about to sit and eat bread and cheese and charcuteries and drink wine.
The wizard is oh-so-proud of this photo. I asked him why and he began explaining it to me but I wasn’t
really interested enough to keep listening. I could hear those charcuteries calling my name.
Just beyond the left edge of the canvas in the painting – and a little beyond the left edge of the photograph above – is a garden on the back side of Notre Dame. Look at what we found there as we walked past. – Indy