You can’t play European DVDs in American DVD players because the European frame rate for video (PAL) is 25 frames per second and the American frame rate (NTSC) is 30 frames per second.
Film projectors shows us 24 frames per second. In other words, the illusion of time passing at its normal speed can be produced by taking 24 photographs per second and then playing them back at that same speed.
186,282 mi./sec. is the frame rate of reality, the frame rate of the universe. We call it the speed of light, but it would be more accurate to call it “the speed of causality,” which is the speed of the connection between a cause and its result, consequence, or effect.
I say “more accurate” because the speed of light does not determine the speed of causality; the speed of causality determines the speed of all particles without mass, which of course includes light.