I have three pictures of Picasso’s Blue Nude hanging on the wall behind my bed.
I believe I can say that Picasso is my favorite artist.
I am not a fan of Picasso’s ‘weird’ art. You know the ones I mean.
The Blue Nude is from Picasso’s earlier Blue Period when all his paintings were, you guessed it, blue.
The Blue Nude is a female sitting with her back to the artist and her head is bowed. You don’t see her face. The entire painting is blue.
Now I wonder if it’s actually Picasso the artist that I admire or his subject in the painting that I relate to.
I started to wonder after a friend said to me, ‘What’s the deal’?
My friend went on to point out that all my favorite things have bowed heads. I had not realized that before.
It’s true. My paintings, pictures, sculpture and favorite pieces all have bowed heads. Hmmm.
I have been asked, ‘Are they praying?’ No.
‘Are they sad?’ No.
‘Are they weary?’ No.
I have no explanation.
I just know that I’m attracted to figures that have bowed heads.
I think it may take a good psychiatrist to explain it.
Until then, I will continue admiring bowed heads… and Pablo Picasso.