I would like to thank the great Oogimauskii for nudging me to write to you once again about Perceptual Reality, one of my favorite topics, and an extremely important one.
The cognoscenti of the Magical Worlds Workshop will remember a brief discussion of Perceptual Reality at the beginning of class.
“Each of you will sit in this room for 3 days and hear the same information presented in precisely the same way. But you will leave here having had an entirely different experience from the persons on your left and your right. You will connect different dots, have different epiphanies, make different associations. The objective reality will be the same for each of you. But your perceptual realities will be yours alone.”
Einstein had an epiphany, a sudden realization that the Energy contained in every object is equal to its Mass, times the Speed of Light, times the Speed of Light.
Epiphanies hit us with great impact because they share that same E=MC2 formula:
“E” stands for Epiphany,
“M” stands for Mass: the size and weight of the idea.
“C2” stands for the Speed of Realization: how quickly the idea was fully realized in your mind.
Epiphany = the Size and Weight of the Idea x the Speed of Realization.
Likewise, the Impact of an ad upon a human mind is equal to the ad’s Mass; the size and weight of the idea contained in the ad, times the Speed of Delivery of that idea. The fewer the words, the greater the impact.
Short hits hard.
Epiphanies and High-Impact Ads are an extension of Einstein’s E=MC2 because they are both closely related to Newton’s Second Law of Thermodynamics: Force = Mass x Acceleration.
Newton proved that Force, or impact, is determined by the size and weight – the Mass – of an object, times the speed at which it is traveling.
I am fascinated by the Laws of the Universe because they are so devastatingly consistent.
You are fascinated by them, too, aren’t you?