Flying to Boulder to see family. This is what happens when you haven’t traveled for 7 years:
I almost missed my Uber. Stumbled around checking in at the SW kiosk. Then went to drop off my bag and the attendant told me I’d skipped the line. WTF?
Couldn’t find my flight on the Departures screen. I’m fuming till I realize I’m flying to Denver, NOT Boulder.
Got to security. I didn’t know you got your photo taken. I dropped my boarding pass and both the TSA guy and I went to pick it up. We knocked heads so hard I thought we’d have to call 911 for the guy.
I get to the security line and I hear the TSA guy say, “Shoes… shoes… SHOES!” He was talking to me.
Went to buy a Vitamin Water at the newsstand. Now self checkout. I’m still not sure if I paid or not.
Oh, and I threw away the tab part of my luggage check in. I hope they’ll let me get the bag.
I have become the idiot that used to piss me off in the old travel days.