Is this a hanging at twilight?
I noticed that some translators call it
The Travels of Benjamin III
while others call it
The Wanderings of Benjamin III.
(The original was written in Yiddish, remember?)
So I Googled “Wanderings Benjamin” and found
this website of conflict photographer Benjamin Lowy,
whose wanderings take him to very dangerous places.
The photo at the top of this page is a sample of his work.
Benjamin Lowy's images stun you with their content,
their visual commentary and their artistry.
Lowy's comments aren't made with words,
but with juxtaposition, proximity, shadow and angle.
He uses colors the way a poet uses verbs.
The cognoscenti will recognize in his work
a synesthesia of thought particles.
(Technically, synesthesia is a cross-wiring of the senses.
My use of the term here is technically incorrect, but you get the idea.)