How Academy Class Nicknames Happen
I often refer obliquely to that mysterious process
by which Academy class nicknames come to be.
by which Academy class nicknames come to be.
Today I will explain it.
Dennis Collins and Ken Brand taught
Selling Customers Their Way to an exceptional
group of professionals who, shortly before graduation,
announced they collectively wanted to fund the
Gardener’s Tool Room for the campus.
Selling Customers Their Way to an exceptional
group of professionals who, shortly before graduation,
announced they collectively wanted to fund the
Gardener’s Tool Room for the campus.
When the group saw how extremely nice it was
going to be (and climate controlled,) Dennis said,
“Can Barbara and I stay in here when Engelbrecht House is full?”
To which someone immediately responded,
“Dennis wants his own private Sugar Shack,
that’s what Dennis wants.”
Everyone laughed and that was it.
going to be (and climate controlled,) Dennis said,
“Can Barbara and I stay in here when Engelbrecht House is full?”
To which someone immediately responded,
“Dennis wants his own private Sugar Shack,
that’s what Dennis wants.”
Everyone laughed and that was it.
Hence, the first part of the nickname.
Then the class served as our official jury in a
highly organized wine tasting to determine which
vineyard would be awarded the honor of producing
the new wine, Follow the Star (see label below,)
for Wizard Academy Press.
highly organized wine tasting to determine which
vineyard would be awarded the honor of producing
the new wine, Follow the Star (see label below,)
for Wizard Academy Press.
Sugar Shack Winers.
It all makes sense now, doesn’t it?
It all makes sense now, doesn’t it?
It really was an incredible class.
The next time Dennis and Ken teach it,
you should be here.
The next time Dennis and Ken teach it,
you should be here.
Wise Man… Wise-ard… Wizard
Yes, it all makes sense now,
doesn’t it?