In the 1950s archeologists found a series of 12 small terra cotta figures that dated back to the Tang dynasty in China. They all had similar bodies and poses. Basically a cloaked monk with folded arms. The heads though were all different animal heads. Nobody knew what to make of them until sometime later: the 12 different animals represented the Chinese zodiac.
Here’s a picture.
In 2001 the World Trade buildings were attacked. I remember all the fear that soon followed and how America fell into a state of blind panic. At one point there was a commercial on TV advertising the survival kit “that no one should be without.” Included were individual gas masks for the whole family. Even for the kids. Probably for the dog and cat as well.
In 2004 I started thinking about what future archeologists will uncover and what they will think of our civilization. These figures came out of that idea. They are meant to look old and unearthed, but have a modern spin with the gas masks. It’s also a contradiction between the peaceful monk and the image of war. East and West, Love and Hate, etc…
Erik James

The tallest is 29 inches