August 1, 1968 – My mom is 19, sharing an apartment in the Marigny with a girlfriend of hers. Jimi Hendrix is going to be playing that night at Tad Gormley Stadium in City Park. But he misses his flight from Shreveport, so they’ve got to drive to New Orleans. They get to town a little bit early, so they go to Beauregarde Square to join a love-in that’s taking place. So Hendrix is out there on the flatbed of a pickup truck talking to all these hippies at the love-in and my mom and her friend met him and his entourage. He invited them to the concert, and they invited him to an after-party at their house afterwards. They got backstage because they had met him and he gave them backstage passes, but they never really expected him to show up at their after-party. But lo and behold, here comes Jimi with his entourage! My mom and her friend were just blown away that he was just a regular guy, so they did what everybody did back then; they smoked a lot of weed, drank a lot of wine, and popped some acid. That’s right. My momma dropped acid with Jimi Hendrix. Two years, one month, one week and one day later, he flickered out and was gone. – Manley Miller, New Orleans, a member of the board of directors of Wizard Academy.