“Innovative romantics with the heart of a rogue.” – Robert Topping
“Curious crazy.” – Sylvia Edney
“People who attend WA have to be ambitious, curious, life-long learners. People who look at the world around them and decide to make it better.” – Christina Gressianu
“The individuals that ask WHAT IF vs those that wait for direction.” – Shane Bogardus
” 1) Curious. 2) Adventurous. 3) Tribeless. 4) Inventive. 5) Intellectual. 6) Forgiving. 7) Extraverted. 8) Intuitive. 9) Sensitive. 10) Perceptive. 11) Confident. 12) Visual. I could probably go on but, that has to be most of the key characteristics of a person interested in expanding their horizons at Wizard Academy. Cheers.” – Phil Stewart
“We are definitely all extroverts, except those of us that require downtime after socializing. We all own business or run them or work at them or have independent wealth or are just scraping by. We are all from the United States or some other part of the world and we all like certain things and dislike others. To summarize: We are all kinds of people that are interested in all kinds of people and we find the Wizard Academy very interesting. Cheers.” – Brian Vos
“Our brand of crazy!? I’m so new to Wizard Academy, but – our brand of crazy… people who want to excel, to grow, but NOT be confined to ‘THE BOX’… not afraid to be different, but most importantly to continue our course of learning and knowing we never truly arrive.” – Brandon Morris
“Brand: willing to risk. That is it. I am not crazy. I have read the Memo for over 18 years, read any book that Roy H Williams has been crazy enough to write, listened to the recording of Free The Beagle (more than once). Yet, I have never had the nerve to come up with the $1,500-2,500 US that it would cost to experience that brand of crazy. I look wistfully at the descriptions of new courses but as a semi-retired corporate trainer on a fixed pension, I just can’t bring myself to do more than gaze from afar (Canada, so not all that far) and envy all those crazy people.”
– H W Bud Brown
“Doritos has a long history of wacko ads but the new one on TV never even mentions the product by name. It tells you it’s in a blue and red bag and what shape it is and what the name sounds like…. throughout the whole thing the viewer is saying, “I know! it’s Doritos”. Wondered if you had seen it. Sorry, I don’t have a name for ‘our brand of crazy’ but why do we actually need one? If you’re in the tribe you already know what it is” . 😉
– Angela Greenway
[The reason the wizard was looking for an answer, I think, is because the Wizard Academy experience is hard to define or explain. Additionally, the course descriptions are less specific than some people would like. A potential solution would be just to let people who love this place share their reactions to it. But I’m only guessing. The wizard doesn’t tell me everything. – Indy Beagle]
“Open, Inquisitive, unstructured out-of-the-box thinkers, Polymaths, Learners, Seekers of Wisdom, People Who Care, Honest About Themselves, Comfortable With Change, Unafraid of Intentional Risk, Strong Moral Values. People who live by faith.”
– Don Knaepple
Russ Kyncl: 65. 38 year marriage. 25 year business plan.
[“Optimistic” is definitely part of our brand of crazy, I think. – Indy]
“People that attend the Wizard Academy are bold enough to seek the truth while realizing they must question industry authority (and, well, everyone else including themselves. They are understanding people. Not only understanding of other limitations but they are patient enough to really understand the data that tells us what is really happening. Finally, they are edgy enough to never really feel like they’ve had enough.” – Jerrod Sessler
“People who attend Wizard Academy are, I believe, curiousteachableambitiousaltruisticrisk-takers.“
– Rod Schwartz
“Some business owners come to the Academy, love it, and they send someone from their office so the wizard can ‘fix’ them. Oh – you can spot these immediately. The red face and overall confused look gives them away every time.” – Bertwin Lord
“The Don Quixote’s. The Wile E. Coyote’s. The Howard Hughes’. The Brothers Blues’. The Michener’s. The Poe’s. The Michelangelo’s. The Julia Childs’. The Oscar Wilde’s.
Dr.Frankenstein’s. The Einstein’s. The Cortez’s. The Cartier’s. The Noah’s, and Shackleton’s. The Ford’s. The Wright’s. (Frank Lloyd and Orville & Wilbur) The Frank’s. And Lincoln’s. The Mork’s, not the Mindy’s. Definitely the Indy’s. The Disney’s. The Boone’s. They’re all looney tunes. The Wizard Academy brand of crazy.” – Mike Broesky
“The Wizard Academy is where grand adventurers of thought and endeavor can unshackle themselves from ‘shoulds’ and ‘ought to’s.’ I hope all is well down south, Indy. Strider is going gangbusters! We can’t keep bikes in stock. Seems the whole world paused from their rat-race and realized they hadn’t taught their kids to ride bikes and decided to take the quarantine opportunity to do so.”
– Ryan McFarland
PS… I love your motorcycle!