Methinks Dean Rotbart’s Buzz Snatching class will sell out.
What do you think?
So here’s your choice:
You can either pull the trigger
and secure yourself a room in Engelbrecht House,
or you use that same finger to pick your nose and
“wait and see” and then be one of those people who
envies the 14 trigger-pullers who shouted “I’m in”
back when the class was first announced.
That ever-vigilant French pirate Skunkmeat Lofranco
was the first to notice Dean’s new class and he signed up immediately.
Another room was taken by William Hackett-Jones from Russia and of course your instructor Dean Rotbart will have to have a room. So that leaves only 11 luxuriously appointed, on-campus rooms unclaimed – available at no charge and with all meals included – for 11 happy trigger pullers.
I think we’ve talked enough about this.
What is your finger telling you?
Left to right: Jeff Sexton, Skunkmeat Lofranco,
and Wizard Academy Chairman of the Board Dr. Oz Jaxxon
This next video was sent by cognoscenti Jeff Sexton.
Very interesting stuff. Prepare to be amazed.