A Great Movie (1964)
You should watch it the next time you’re feeling literary.
“To paraphrase Henry Higgins (the professor in My Fair Lady,) WORDS are the pillars of society. Language is the means by which emotions are expressed, wars and love affairs are started and ended, and friendships are struck — and melted down. Becket is a movie in love with words, their eloquence and, in some cases, majesty. It’s a movie about friendship and loyalty, God and country, and the dynamics that occur when one tries to mix them together. I cannot think of movie so in love with words in recent memory. It is cerebral, challenging, controversial, and tragic. If you’ve ever had a friend grow more and more distant no matter how hard you tried to keep things right — this is for you.”
– Joe Page,
a seller of old movie posters on eBay
King Henry II, played by Peter O’Toole in this film, reigned from 1154 to 1189. He was the father of Richard the Lionheart (who was his eldest son,) played by a very young Anthony Hopkins in the 1968 sequel to this film.
When you click to the next page, I’ll show you. – Indy