George Simpson Eddy published his chronicle of the 1350 books in the personal library of Benjamin Franklin in a publication of the American Antiquarian Society in October, 1924.
On page 19, we read, “The Doctor [Franklin] was a friend of Baskerville, the famous English printer, and bought many of the books printed by him. He also had examples of the printing of Ibarra, the celebrated printer of Madrid, among them the splendid Spanish version of Sallust which was presented to him by the translator, Don Gabriel de Bourbon; he also had the famous Spanish edition of Don Quixote printed by Ibarra.”
Franklin had an extraordinary library full of the most artistically crafted books in the world. This is due to the fact that Franklin was a printer, and his fortune was made by teaching the art of printing to men across our fledgling nation who wanted to print newspapers in their towns.
And all of them bought their supplies from Benjamin Franklin, the famous author, publisher, philosopher, scientist, and entrepreneur.
Make no mistake. Thomas Jefferson is on the $20 bill. Ben Franklin is on the $100. That was done on purpose, ’cause our boy Benjamin was rollin’ in it. Now you know. – Indy