Good morning Indy~ When I noticed a drawing of a windmill, curiosity about why windmills have four arms instead of three flashed across my mind… Then I thought that depending upon the orientation of the arms, this design may allow a hovering action (a spinning top) instead of merely capturing wind to propel a pump. Or maybe […]
Bali and Hai comment
Beccas Drawing
Fickle God of Luck
Did you ever wonder why some people are terrified of clowns? “Once I was lucky enough to take a class with the great clown teacher Giovanni Fusetti and one of the things that he talked about was the ancient idea of a hero. In the Greek myths, humans were subject to massive and unknown forces […]
Unicorns and Giraffes
Welcome to the musical diversity of the Top 5 Songs for 1970…
Friar Duck and the lack of flowers
Friar Duck Colon Cleanse
Indy says They are Made of Meat
Read Terry Bisson’s“They’re Made Out of Meat” at BITTERSWEET MUSIC: “We see the suffering and the horror of our lives, the vulnerability and the mortality of everything that we love and cherish… But there is another part of us that maintains faith and strives forward.”
BeagleSword hair-trigger happiness
Freda and Hai
“If you are going to succeed in this real world, you cannot act on assumptions. Assumptions disappear. You cannot act on the predicted fulfillment of some causal chain. The path coefficients that would fulfill that prediction are subject to too many random variations and mutations.” “Just as cause has come unhinged from effect, experience has […]
Cat Ballou
Bali and Dulcinea
Dulcinea del Toboso at 78 years old, by Greta Warren-Hill on eBay.
Hai at Fredas House
Cain and Abel_Jordan B Peterson
Jordan B. Peterson, speaking to Roland Griffiths, beginning at (01:03:02): Now, I want to talk about the good and evil background a bit, because it pertains to this rewriting of the narrative. So I look at stories like the story of Cain and Abel, which is a very ancient story. And it’s clearly a story […]
MMRadio Rob Cornilles
Rob Cornilles was given the task of selling season tickets to the Los Angeles Clippers, which at the time was the most forlorn franchise in the NBA. Who wanted to go to a Clippers game, when L.A. also had the Lakers? But Rob figured out how to attract sports fans so incredibly well that he […]
Campus Map 2021
Harlem Globetrotters
Kate Bowler_Perspective
“CANCER has kicked down the walls of my life. I cannot be certain I will walk my son to his elementary school someday or subject his love interests to cheerful scrutiny. I struggle to buy books for academic projects I fear I can’t finish for a perfect job I may be unable to keep. I […]
“One of my parents’ deepest fears, I suspect, is that society would not properly value me as a musician, that I wouldn’t be appreciated. I had very good grades in high school, I was good in science and math, and they imagined that as a doctor or a research chemist or an engineer, I might […]
BeagleSword Roy in the rear view mirror
“You never forget three people: the person who helped you in trouble, the person who left you in trouble, the person who put you in trouble.” – Randy Phillips, Life Austin, April 29, 2018
Indy gives you a second chance
Prepare yourself for this little story cartoon by reading this quote I snagged from the wizard’s Random Quotes database. He always says it on day one of the Magical Worlds workshop. – Indy “Our perception does not identify the outside world as it really is, but the way that we are allowed to recognize it, […]
Don and Mark
I’ve been spending too much time at the Riesen House Saloon in Gold Hill. It’s a drinking spot for out-of-luck miners and a few political hacks who come up from Carson City. One of those guys is Orion, who wears fancy boots and an oversized cowboy hat and claims he’s the big boss of the […]
MMRadio Kosa and Rotbart
Roving reporter Rotbart was shown a lot of love from the media during the past two weeks, including coverage in The Wall Street Journal, FORTUNE, and NPR, along with more than a dozen other news outlets. A faculty member at Wizard Academy who coaches business owners on how to get free publicity, Rotbart did exactly […]
Ramseys customer bonding ads
When Covid first hit America and advertisers everywhere were cancelling their ads, Robert and Lori Ramsey stayed on the air. Their ads were short memories of hard times in the past, with an encouraging word for the future. Here are three of those ads, followed by a 60-second ad in the same style. #1 ROBERT: During […]
Gold in Art origin story
RICHIE: I come from a family of jewelers. My grandfather was a jeweler. He taught my dad and uncles jewelry. My dad died in a car crash when I was three years old, so my Uncle Joe taught me. I was at UCF and he asked if I wanted to apprentice with him for the summer. […]
Brian Alter and Indy Beagle in Pink
BRIAN ALTER: Morris Jacobs immigrated to America as a boy. He came through Galveston, started out selling newspapers. He worked hard, and earned enough to open a little jewelry store in Texas City, but his store was destroyed in the great hurricane of 1915. He salvaged just enough to pay his debts. Morris always paid his […]
David Payne Candy Cane Christmas Train
Alert rabbit-holer Bryan Kennedy sent us this link to an amazing story-cartoon. It’s worth the 3-minutes. Trust me. – Indy If you want to prepare yourself for this little story cartoon, read this quote I snagged from the wizard’s random quotes database. He always goes to it on day one of the Magical Worlds workshop: […]
Goldcasters Origin
Announcer: Brad Lawrence, owner of Gold Casters Fine Jewelry. Brad: When I opened the store, I had no money. We didn’t have the money for inventory. I brought wax models from school to use to cast into projects for customers. Hence the name Gold Casters. Things were so tight at times, I remember the backside of my […]
Goettl Origin Story
I was a ten year-old boy holding a flashlight for my Dad while he worked on an air conditioner for a customer. His name was Duncan Goodrich. He didn’t talk much. But there’s a certain kind of magic that happens when a son holds a flashlight for his father. I held it steady and quiet […]
Woody Justice Origin Story
Tom Heflin was a railroad conductor. His wife had a sister. That sister had two little boys. One day she took those boys on a train to Winslow, Arizona to spend a few days with them. Tom took those boys out into the desert to collect rocks. One of the little boys grew up to […]
Spence Origin Story
SEAN: Standing at the engagement ring counter, I felt like Oliver Twist asking for another bowl of porridge.YOUNG SEAN: “Please sir, may I see that one?”SARAH: Sean Jones, owner of Spence Diamonds.SEAN: The jeweler looked me over, then reluctantly unlocked the showcase and told me the price of the engagement ring.SARAH: What happened next?SEAN: I swallowed hard. No way could I […]
Kesslers and Ramseys Origin Stories
My Dad was a house painter. He taught me to sand and scrape paint old paint until my fingers were aching and raw. But I wanted to make him proud, so I always worked hard. I’ll never forget the day we opened up our brown bags at lunchtime and he said, “Son. I’m proud of […]
USCCA Origin story
TIM SCHMIDT: I was looking at my brand-new baby boy and thinking about the kinds of things that happen to people when they’re least expecting it. I knew it was my job to keep him safe. And I knew I was unprepared for that job. Trained as an engineer, I went in search of intelligent handgun […]
Five years before Teddy Roosevelt led the Rough Riders, Simon Schiffman stepped off the train to stretch his legs. He saw a little jewelry store for sale, bought it, and the train went on without him. Simon kept the fine quality jewelry but he put the lower-quality stuff on the sidewalk with a sign that said, […]
Mona Lisa
Beyond Features and Benefits
Beyond Features and Benefits Elmore Leonard began as an ad writer and then became a multiple best-selling novelist. He wrote 45 novels, 18 of which were made into movies, and his final work became the TV series Justified. (See the clips below. – Indy) Here are three of Elmore Leonard’s Ten Rules of Writing: 1. Never […]
What Would Jesus Drink
BeagleSword literary stroll
Briana on a Friday
Packers 4 Americas
“Nations, like individuals, tell stories in order to understand what they are, where they come from, and what they want to be. National narratives, like personal ones, are prone to sentimentality, grievance, pride, shame, self-blindness. There is never just one – they compete and constantly change. The most durable narratives are not the ones that […]
Dog Behind Wrought Iron
Manley and Zac get cork-tattooed
Franny and Zooey
“Mr. LeSage, sir, I’ve got a tender new script about a sensitive young subway guard that just stinks of courage and integrity. And I know, sir, that next to scripts that are Tender and Poignant, you love scripts that have Courage and Integrity. This one, sir, as I say, stinks of both. It’s full of […]
MMRadio 3 Simple Words
Joel Schwartzberg says that when you are giving a speech: 1. Have a point. 2. Get to it.But many business executives and politicians fail to heed those simple rules. Joel knows what he’s talking about. His clients include American Express, Blue Cross Blue Shield, State Farm Insurance, and Comedy Central. Using only 3 simple words, […]
Indy Explains the Life Skills Program of Friar Duck
Friar Duck at the gym
“Cheever tried a few times to engage Donleavy in some conversation, and as Cheever was as gifted in conversation as any man I have ever met, I grew more and more furious at Donleavy’s coldness and unresponsiveness and total discourtesy. I was thinking, frankly, that I should throw the lout in a puddle, if there […]
“Oh, what can you do with a man like that? What can you do? How can you dissuade his eye in a crowd from seeking out the cheek with acne, the infirm hand; how can you teach him to respond to the inestimable greatness of the race, the harsh surface beauty of life; how can […]
Genetic Lottery
“The things that make our lives so tenuous, so unlikely, that we barely come into being, barely meet the people we’re meant to love, barely survive our way in the woods, barely survive catastrophe every day. Your origin is due to two people come together, by accident, whether wisely or not, by the attractions of […]
Dog Parade
Holt Kelleys Opening Paragraph
This is the link to where Galactic Commander Kelley found the goods.
Tom Hanks at his friends funeral
Statue Funding
Rotbart’s New Book
Roving reporter Rotbart’s book, September Twelfth, is now available. Did you realize the 20th anniversary of 9/11 is this week? Although this book is centered on The Wall Street Journal and reads as an American comeback story, it is ripe with insights for small business owners and managers, hidden in plain sight. Core lessons […]
The Relativity of Adventure
“A shampooist in an uptown hair salon warns a matron not to lean too far back on the sink. The salon is being renovated and the sink needs adjustment. The shampooist is new. This time last year, she wasn’t a shampooist. She was a chemist in a country now erased by war. ‘This is an […]
Data that tells a story and Friar Duck Milk
Manley and Hurricane Ida
It was the third of September
Don’t Negotiate Services
Torches and Pitchforks
Have a fabulous day
Juvenile Ducklinquent
Dr. Bob Nelson has worked with 80% of the Fortune 500 companies and he wants to play a game. It’s called, “Two Business Truths and a Lie.” Which of these three statements is false? Thomas Alva Edison once said: “I never did a day’s work in my life. It was all fun.” Owners and CEOs […]
Hate Crimes and Covid
Cedric Talks About Feelings
I’ve been thinking about the words we assign to positive and negative events with differing degrees of probability… A big positive thing with little chance of happening => A Dream A small positive thing with decent chance of happening => A Hope A small negative thing with decent chance of happening => […]
Hate Crimes
Bill Maher on Wokeness
6150 dollars
If you would like to make this your gift to the campus of Wizard Academy, contact Zac Smith at
To Know Joy
Big-Eye Boy Paradox
MMRadio AI
Many companies have valuable assets they underutilize or don’t use at all. These assets are customer purchase data and preferences, and if these companies don’t use artificial intelligence to mine those preferences, they are missing out on a hefty vein of marketing gold. Raj Venkatesan is one of the nation’s most respected experts on the use of […]
Hai Talks About Onions
“When one realizes that his life is worthless he either commits suicide or travels.”– Edward Dahlberg (1900-1977)
Stephen King talks about God
“As far as God and Church and Religion and the Buddy Rosses and that sort of thing, I kind of always felt that organized religion was just basically a theological insurance scam where they’re saying, ‘If you spend time with us, guess what? You’re going to live forever. You’re going to go to some other […]
A Postcard from 1969
Friar Duck RickRolls You
Jack Storms Cold Glass Sculpture
Friar Duck and Books
Bob Newhart on Country Music
Indy responds to Brian Vos
Good to hear from you, Brian! In the words of Robert Pirsig in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, “It’s the sides of the mountain which sustain life, not the top.” And on page 39 of The Adventure of Living, Paul Tournier writes, “The law of adventure is that it dies as […]
Brian Vos on Questing
Robert and Chris and Zen
“There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.” – […]
MMRadio Radhika Dutt
Radhika Dutt is a university teacher who explains to her students why the innovation techniques used by Facebook and many of the other “change agents” are misguided and ineffective. She says, “Rapidly launching a new product into the marketplace and then tweaking it until you get it right is like driving a fast car without […]
The Trip of Robert and Chris
These red words are what you click if you want to take a trip to the Monday Morning Memo for April 9, 2018.
BeagleSword white polka dots
One of these Ducks
Biffs Friend Gets Tutored
Indy Makes a Toast
Michele and her aunt Olive
Michele Miller-Nelson is a Wizard of Ads Partner. Want to know what Michele can do for you?
Friar Duck Paper Towels
Joe and Indigo engagement party
Joe and Indigo and the engagement party of Joe and Indigo.The scene is the Fang and Feather whiskey tasting room at the Crowded Barrel Distillery on the campus of Wizard Academy.
Edie and Vance
Edie and Vance at the engagement party of Joe and Indigo
Joes Rainbow
I was looking toward Tuscan Hall on a rainy day many years ago when Joe Davis stopped and waited, so that he wouldn’t be in the picture.
Dulcinea Team with Indy
Students of Wizard Academy have heard how 1 man with 5 helpers built most of our campus. This is a photo of that man with his original cast of helpers on the day we opened Chapel Dulcinea 16 years ago. Daniel Denny married Pattie, the older sister of Princess Pennie, when Pennie was about 10 […]