You want to start at the beginning of Manley’s book? Here’s how to do that. Next week, Manley is going to give us #4 of The Seven Things Worth Tattooing Inside Your Forearm. – Indy
St Nicholas of Myra
Watercolor Wise Men
The Absence of Goodness
The partial meltdown of the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor in 1979 happened because of a burned-out lightbulb. When a particular safety system was malfunctioning, that bulb would light up and the technician would alertly take care of the problem. No one anticipated a burned-out bulb. The mistake, according to my partner Cedric, is that […]
Dore’s Rainbow
Beagle Sam and the Dow 30,000
Roscoe J Wikipedia explains the Dow
Short Film
Screaming Cowboy in the Sky
Moms 80th Birthday in 2017
BeagleSword Nov 30_2020
Wizards Mom Poem
Yes, I wrote a poem.I wrote the poem in my sleep.It was shortly after Mama died and the poem was about her.I still have it somewhere. I hope I can find it. I was at work at Shell one day when I had a sudden thought, “Did I get up in the night and write […]
Wizards Mom_Picasso Blue Nude
I have three pictures of Picasso’s Blue Nude hanging on the wall behind my bed. I believe I can say that Picasso is my favorite artist. I am not a fan of Picasso’s ‘weird’ art. You know the ones I mean. The Blue Nude is from Picasso’s earlier Blue Period when all his paintings were, […]
Ze Frank 2601 Song
Ze Frank Robots
Use Seat Cushion for Flotation
Kon-Tiki opening lines
Quixote 1954 upper
Lima de Freitas was a Portuguese painter, illustrator, ceramicist and writer. He illustrated over 100 books, most notably the Portuguese writer Aquilino Ribeiro’s translation of Don Quixote. The illustration above is a partial reveal of the 1954 image you will find on the following page. – Indy Beagle
Quixote 1954 Complete
Dorkiest Video Ever
This is guaranteed to be the dorkiest thing you’ve ever watched in your life. If you don’t smile, you’re dead inside. – Indy Beagle
Patrick Sullivan Clean Hands
Beagle Theology
Becca Truly Stuart to Indy
Good morning Indy, Loved the Nov 23 rabbit hole! The best part was the Monday Morning Radio page with Tim Ringo’s point about not hiring people with college degrees. It definitely caught my attention. To me the only thing a college degree reveals is one’s perseverance in achieving a long term goal (and in some […]
Dear Wizards Mom favorite animal
My favorite animal is the elephant and my spirit animal, as well. Elephants are not beautiful.That trunk (!) almost makes them comical looking. Bet you didn’t know that the funny looking trunk has 40,000 muscles. With their trunk the elephant can lift incredible weight. They can also pick up something as small a peanut and peel […]
Vincent Van Dogh
Gentleman in Moscow p 17
Ryan Deiss and the wizard and I are discussing the possibility of hosting a nationwide livestream to think happy thoughts, tell sunlit stories and drink to the health of the nation. If this happens, it will be during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Join us in lifting a glass! Keep your eye […]
Ball of Gold America
Chapter 22 Potato
You want to start at the beginning of Manley’s book? Here’s how to do that. Next week, Manley is going to give us #3 of The Seven Things Worth Tattooing Inside Your Forearm. – Indy
Beware of Dog_Aloha_and_Lion
Beagle Wedding Invite
Mystical Brad
Dave Young and the Swan
Dave Young is one of the original 6 Wizard of Ads Partners.
Indy Freaks Out
BeagleSword Nov 23
MMRadio Tim Ringo
MannKitchen Pepper Cannon
Seussian Legion of Honor
NOTE: I disqualified all entries that communicated a political position. (Sorry, I probably should have told you that in advance.) – Indy People who don’t appreciate the work of Dr. Seuss have a severe case of Adultitis. There’s also a pretty good chance they have a beige personality to go with it.🙂 – Jason Kotecki Once […]
Beagle Hula a low ha
I Wanna Dance With Somebody
Every beginning starts with an ending.This is one of the principles of Pendulum theory. And the middle is always in the middle. When our fight with King George ended in 1783, thirteen powerless colonies became “The United States.” This was the beginning of the first America; 3 million citizens clinging to the eastern edge of […]
Keith Doesn’t Care
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Carpenters Superstar
Marilyn McCoo
Dear Roy,I shouldn’t have been surprised that you of all people found Шекспир плачет, my Russian-language YouTube channel. To my knowledge, most of my English-speaking acquaintances are unaware of its existence – naturally so, because they wouldn’t understand anything. I have an old chum out here, Misha, who I taught English to when I first lived […]
Chapter 21 Potato Chips
You want to start at the beginning of Manley’s book? Here’s how to do that. Next week, Manley is going to tell us the Second of The Seven Things Worth Tattooing Inside Your Forearm. – Indy
“Of the three factors driving social violence, Turchin stresses most heavily ‘elite overproduction’—the tendency of a society’s ruling classes to grow faster than the number of positions for their members to fill. One way for a ruling class to grow is biologically—think of Saudi Arabia, where princes and princesses are born faster than royal roles […]
Trochaic Tetrameter
Should you ask me, whence these stories? Whence these legends and traditions, With the odors of the forest With the dew and damp of meadows, With the curling smoke of wigwams, With the rushing of great rivers, With their frequent repetitions, And their wild reverberations As of thunder in the mountains? Downward through the evening twilight, In the days that are forgotten, In the unremembered ages, From […]
BeagleSword conflate
MMRadio Ruben Gonzalez
Dear Indy, My father started out pumping gas, 10 cents a gallon, making a wage of a dime each hour. That was the best he could do as an engineering graduate in the thin job market of the 1940’s. So he joined the army and lived well as a newly-married Lieutenant on a dollar a […]
Beagle Protest
Beagle Airline Kiss
Beagle Yard Line
Beagle Hula Seneca
Quixote in India
The struggling Gaya district is in the eastern state of Bihar, India. Kolithwa is a village there. Loungi Bhuiya is one of its residents. In a story by Judy Cole, “Loungi Bhuiya had become increasingly distraught as more and more farmers—including four of his own sons—left Kolithwa for greener pastures. Taking a leaf from Don […]
Thanks J.R.
JR Shaw Peterman Mustang GT
Hi Indy When I was training salespeople at Walnut Creek Ford in CA I would take salespeople on a little field trip. To diffuse the notion that price is all that matters I would take them to The Nordstrom Store and a Ross Store which was one half block apart and give them a tour. […]
Wizards Mom Ancestors
Sadly no. My brother Ted took our family tree back to year 1525 but did not find anyone famous or notable. Ted did uncover some interesting facts about the Pylant family:The original spelling was Pielandt. Pielandt has since been converted to many different spellings; Pylant, Pilant, Pyland, Piland, etc, etc, etc. No matter how it’s […]
Wizards Mom Hometown
Thinking back, I am convinced the neighborhood I grew up in was ideal. I lived in the same house in the same neighborhood until I was married.That was not unusual.People just did not move around in those days. It was extremely rare if someone moved away. Fathers tended to stay in the same job until retirement.Mothers […]
BeagleSword Batman
1-800-GOT-JUNK Fairies
Dr. Seuss became a legend because he had 1. the courage to make up new words, 2. the confidence that his readers would understand what these non-words meant, and3. Seuss was a master of meter, the rhythm that is created when you arrange into patterns the stressed and unstressed syllables of words. There are lots […]
MMRadio Randall Lane_Forbes
Junk Fairy
You can buy the book, “Mr. Jenkins Told Me…” by Jonathan Bancroft (with Roy H. Williams) at
chapter 20
You want to start at the beginning of Manley’s book? Here’s how to do that.Next week, Manley is going to tell us about The Seven Things. Prepare to ponder.I’ve heard him talk about this stuff before, and it’s good. – Indy
Cheap Radios
Thomas Aquinas and Indy Beagle
George Washington’s Teeth
Calling in Well
Arguing with the boss
Jesse’s Challenge/Question: I’d define capitalism as the belief that everyone has the right & responsibility to use their own resources in the way which they think is most conducive to improving the world. If that’s not capitalism, what is it? My Answer: Christianity. And perhaps it is Judaism and Buddhism and Zoroastrianism, as well. But I’m not familiar […]
Animal Husbandry
Selling Rule Number One
Bukowski talks Love and Death
Sixty-six percent of Americans believe our nation is in decline, according to a study from the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture.
Berman Wine Note
Chapter 19
You want to start at the beginning of Manley’s book? Here’s how to do that.By the way, it’s not yet published so you’ll just have to keep waiting for achapter or two each week. Sorry about that. – Indy
Manleys red shoes
Manley and the Hurricane
BeagleSword Nov2 2020
MMRadio_Stephanie Mehta
Wizards Mom_Unlimited Money
What a fun question! I would buy a condo in Paris, my favorite city.I would buy a condo in Barcelona, my second favorite city.I would buy a condo in Manhattan, NYC, my favorite city in the USA.Naturally, I would keep my condo in Fort Worth, Texas. Then, so that I could travel to all my […]
Indy Beagle Syndrome
Indy in Trouble
I will now do a dangerous thing.
I will now do a dangerous thing. I will explain it at the end, but in the beginning I must do it. Let us begin. Life. What is the essence of it? If you squeeze it hard enough, what is its juice? Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life, and have it […]