The short answer to how I got my first job is that I begged. The long answer follows: Two days after Williams asked for a divorce and left, I knew it was crucial that I get a job. It was a scary time. I had never had a job. Even though I had wanted to […]
Answer 1b
The wizards mom 1
Indy Shoo-in
Indy Shoe-in
Sybil Ludington Quote 2020
Sybil Ludington2
Rex and Daniel
I think this GIF needed to exist. from r/WhiskeyTribe
These Geniuses1
These Geniuses2
The Wizards Grandmother
19th Amendment3
19th Amendment2
19th Amendment1
Random Quote July 6, 2020
Analysis of MMMemo about American Press
The Author’s Analysis of the Structure of What Happened to the American Press? by Roy H. Williams Framing: The “First Mental Image” given to the reader is the First Amendment to our Constitution framed between two of our most famous Founding Fathers. This patriotic reference aligns my perspective to each side of our polarized society. (Read the First […]
Mike and Cathys Chicken1
Stephen Gives Chris a Shout
Dancing Machine Tribe Invite
You’re prob’ly going to need to use one of those services for sending big files (or just post it on YouTube and send me the link) to
What happened to the American Press
What Happened to the American Press? When James Madison drafted the First Amendment, his reference to “the press” referred to the newspapers of our nation, such as the Pennsylvania Gazette owned by Benjamin Franklin, the most popular paper in the 13 colonies. Things rocked along swimmingly for about 200 years, then one day we walked outside […]
Indy thinks he found a muppet
Honorary Bastard6
Honorary WB
MMRadio Alex Kantrowitz
The Wizard Talks About Race
I agree with what you said about relationships and about remembering the power of words “because there are people on the other end.” I am obliged to disagree, however, with the following passage of your writing: “What I have in common with a 60 something African-American man who’s married and has kids is likely more aligned than what I have in common […]
Beyond the Pale
Anthony Dina in 2018
Beagle Perfect Logic
Our Brand of Crazy2
Tom and the Kodak Bear
Johnny Molson and the Round Table
Goettl Peek behind the curtain
Plumbing contractor license number appears in screen text somewhere.[ZACK appears onscreen with 3 TECHS] TECH 1: When the bottom rusts out’a your water heater,TECH 2: [nodding his head up and down with BIG EYES] all that water floods the house!TECH 3: [slowly shaking his head “no” in disgust] and the supply line keeps pumping more water in.ZACK: So Kenny and me wrote this song for you. [ZACK and […]
MJ Dancing Machine 1974
Peanuts Dance
Billabong Bob and the Pimp Hat Faction
Mirth Taide Found Among the Random Quotes
Socialism Capitalism JR Shaw
Hi Indy,We had a State Debate Organization that had a contest more than 50 years ago. Topics were assigned by a blind draw process and the only reference material you could have is what you brought. We had 1 hour to prepare. My draw was defend free market/capitalism vs socialism/communisim. The person that drew socialism/communism complained […]
Barry White on Ally McBeal
Roy Williams First Book
Marble in the ashtray
Break the treat in half
JP Engelbrecht Family
JP on Vacation
Tim Storm and Mobile Homes
Brads Language Pointers
BeagleSword Cheeks
Beagle Cleric 1st Timothy
MMRadio_Doug Cash and Trent Leavitt
Chip and Joanna and a Black Man
Joe and the shave ice machine
Pidgin Lesson 1
Our Brand of Crazy1
Dognose wetness
Tom Grimes Introvert Conspiracy
Invisible Heroes and Pendulum
Michael, The only way to marry Invisible Heroes to Pendulum would be to use the stories of Invisible Heroes to demonstrate that the right thing to do is always the right thing to do regardless of whether we are in a WE or a ME. Most of our mistakes come from following the herd, peer pressure, trying to be “trendy.” My […]
Pendulum Offer
Did you see the PS at the bottom of the MMMemo saying that I had a free PDF download of Pendulum for you? Click this link to go to the Free Download page. 🙂 Click the image below to go further down the rabbit hole.
Malik Sajad
See the whole story in the New York Times.
BeagleSword Junkyard
Beagle Slap into Next Year
Stephen Semple Leaving Things Out
Want to learn more about the Wizard of Ads Partners?
The Wizard of Ads Talks about Framing and Details
Harry Bliss is the new James Thurber
Harry Bliss 4
Harry Bliss_3
Harry Bliss2
Lingling Wei_Bob Davis_Superpower_Showdown
Jeffrey praises Harry Bliss
In this masterstroke of genius, Harry Bliss shows us characters painted by Modigliani, Léger, Munch, Picasso and Whistler sitting with a somewhat freaked-out woman by the door. I love Harry Bliss, don’t you? – Indy Beagle
The Truth About Radio
The Truth About Radio An Open Letter to Sellers of Radio Advertising in America My experience with radio account executives is that they will immediately quote the party line: “92% of America listens to AM/FM radio over the airwaves, which is higher than smartphone use (81%) and tablet use (45%) and TV viewership (85%)” Here’s […]
MMRadio Lingling Wei
1955 Tramp meets Lady
Alley Cat
Penny and the Mouses
Leaving things out_explained
Bryan,Those are good examples of “leaving things out.” They reminded me of something I ought to have included in last week’s Memo: When you leave things out, you place your trust in the perceptive ability of your audience. Therefore, it is always a calculated risk, because not everyone will be able to leap the gap. […]
Ray Bard at home
Ray Bard and Roy at Carve
Indy and Aloha and Ray and Celeste
LiveWell Genius
Todd Sattersten MMRadio
Rick Nicholson
In the rabbit hole last week, Jeff Sexton wrote, “…it’s something special when you want to own a piece of accoutrement from a fictional character. Wanting to own James Bond’s watch. Or the same model.” I saw this happen and wanted to share. I was helping a used furniture and liquidation company in 2013. We were […]
Indy Beagle for President
The way our political system is currently set up, any candidate that wins a political race represents only half of us. There has to be a better way. I think I may have found it. When asked to join a conflict that isn’t my own, my answer has always been, “I don’t think I’ll put […]
Birds in the Morning
Brand of Crazy part2
“Academy alumni want to know the inside-out, upside downs of thing. Take the assumptions, the cliches of life, and want to know why people think, believe and do what they do.”– Julie Hein “Curiosity has drawn me to six explorations at the Wizard Academy. Each time I went home thinking, ‘What an interesting bunch of […]
Allan Lie Poem
“Innovative romantics with the heart of a rogue.” – Robert Topping “Curious crazy.” – Sylvia Edney “People who attend WA have to be ambitious, curious, life-long learners. People who look at the world around them and decide to make it better.” – Christina Gressianu “The individuals that ask WHAT IF vs those that wait for […]
Chuck Jones
Island Navigation
Tom Grimes Quotes
Young Tom Grimes Telephone
Chesterton and Play
Mr Peabody and Sherman
Rainbows of Dogs2
Rainbows of Dogs1
Rainbows of Dogs The beagle in the right hemisphere of your brain has an entirely different set of skills than the nerd who lives next door. The beagle in my brain is named Indy. What is the name of the beagle in yours? Your beagle gives you impulsive intuition and instinctive insight. Your beagle gives you romping […]
James Bond Car
Aston Martin’s James Bond Car Comes to Life – The New York Times I’m not a car guy but this is cool. Best regards, Jeffrey The interesting thing about items like this is that they are sort of a double-dose of Magical Thinking. It’s one thing to want a real person’s personal effects, say, Paul […]