Hi Indy,
I captured this picture today from the back of the room (in a city and location I’m legally unable to disclose… I’ve also pixelated the faces) as Charlie Moger captivated an exclusive room of North America’s best large animal veterinarians. These surgeons work with the horses, trainers, and owners whose names are known to both us and the history books.
This invitation-only group wanted to know how to incorporate bonding, video storytelling, and knowing What to Leave Out of the marketing for their practices, and Charlie had them hanging on his every word.
You and The Wizard would have been proud…
Tim Miles,
Wizard of Ads Partner
PS – If you didn’t click that link in the Monday Morning Memo where the wizard talked about the exciting new blog featuring case histories and advice from Tim Miles and Charlie Moger and the 4-dozen other carefully-recruited Wizard of Ads partners, here is your second chance. You can thank me later. – Indy