The main reason that I have stayed a member of the Wizard Academy tribe (even though I am beginning to really loathe the tribalism currently metastasizing in the US) is that the academy has helped me understand people and the world better. A bit better. Kept me and made me more curious. Like a fieldbook to a familiar yet distant species. Understanding motivations. Proclivities. How decisions are made. How much we are truly conscious of our own decisions. How much we are truly conscious of anything. Even though Roy is understandably reticent to discuss politics and culture wars and the current state of the pendulum, his notes that touch on these are always my favorite and stay with me the longest. Sometimes I am scared that we may not be done with all of “this” until 2023ish. Other times, I try to embrace the Chinese saying — though likely not Chinese at all — “may you live in interesting times.”
With that preamble, I have found the folks below to have more than a little affinity to how the Wizard and the Academy see the world. Additionally, while not being religious myself anymore, I have never felt ostracized or “less than” when attending the academy or reading the MMMs. Always a sense of religious interest with religious tolerance. So when I came upon this particular podcast, it resonated with its explanatory power. To me at least. And perhaps others at the Academy.
Sincere thanks for all you do and all you produce.