Bryan and Jeff Eisenberg at Future Now just released a new, online service that monitors your website traffic 24/7 and tells you exactly what to change on your website to make it start getting better results.
Plenty of online services give you metrics and statistics but On Target is the only website monitoring service that figures out what isn't working, then gives you specific recommendations to implement.
Complex businesses are happily paying $5,000/mo. for this service.
Less complex businesses are delighted to pay $2,500/mo.
The Eisenbrothers offered to sell the service for only $1,500/mo. to the small-business owners that read the Monday Morning Memo, but I said, “I need you to make it $1,000/mo. Money is tight and people need help.”
They said, “For you, okay.”
Friends are good to have.
It's the first step in making real money on the internet.