Misunderstandings exhaust me. I spent an hour that I could not afford to spend crafting that email to David.
Yes, I’m that slow of a writer.
But I didn’t do it for David, exactly. I did it for all the people who reach out to my staff and me only to learn that we don’t have enough hands to reach back to all of them. These feelings of insufficiency make me feel sad.
But then I think of all the good things that are happening right now and I remember the lyrics to a Billy Joel song, “These are the days to remember, ’cause they will not last forever. These are the days to hold onto…”
You and I are building a business school together and it’s gaining worldwide momentum and credibility as a think-tank and a refreshing retreat for creative minds. I am stunned by the students who come here.
Thank you for being part of these Golden days.
Thank you for walking in my dream.
Roy H. Williams