Her walk is like whiskey. Smoky and strong.
Shouldering the sensual hint of embers hot. Swirling shapes that bend and twirl. Fascinating the mind and seducing the soul. A scent that stirs the emotion and ferries the mind to the enchanted circle. The sniff of cedar and mesquite brings the allure of stars at night. The smoulder embers of a mature bonfire.
But there is more to her than that.
There is a focus to her movement. Efficient and sure. Confidence exudes her strides. A hidden fortitude radiates vitality and purpose. She is woman strong and true.
Her walk is like whiskey. Smoky and strong.
Her eyes the blue of the sky on a clean fall day. Her hair the colour of straw.
A playful smile crosses her lips. Is it playful or adventurous?
Like whiskey, in the first impression, the whole story is not told. Her walk is like whiskey.
The wrinkles around her eyes mischievous and wise. Her walk is like whiskey.
The longer the maturation the more depth the character. Her walk is like whiskey.
The longer you look. The more you discover. In every step her walk is like whiskey. Smoky and Strong.
– Stephen Semple