in the spirit of Wizzo’s memo, All My Weird Friends.
That being said, I know I showed you this trailer
a few months ago, but I’m worried that maybe you
didn’t see the movie yet and I’m worried that Wizzo is
going to find that photo of him at 17 that I posted and
I’m never going to get to talk to you again, so I figured I’d
tell you one last time: See Juno.
It should have won Picture of the Year when it was released
a few years back but those nimnods in Hollywood gave
the Oscar to some idiot film I don’t even recall.
Gosh I hope Wizzo doesn’t find this side-tunnel.
Remember me.
– Indiana Beagle
PostScript from on the road: I told you I loved this Shriner’s fez.
People don’t give me a second glance. And you know I hang with the Wise Men when I’m expecting a storm… Wizzo usually follows these side tunnels.