Football player in the second row
never knew that she was beautiful.
Momma’s crying with her head down low,
Daddy with the video.
Drummers drum and the horns all blow.
Marching band is circling tight.
Everyone is moving in slow-mo.
She’s at the speed of light.
And the valedictorian
sheds her clothes in the midday,
between spring and summer sun,
she says, “This is who I am,
and I’ll never see any of you ever again.”
Oh, the principal and counselors close in,
trying to avert a scene.
She just keeps on sticking to her speech,
feeling like a prom queen.
Somebody shuts off the microphone.
Pandemonium ensues.
She turns and runs across the football field
in nothing but her socks and shoes.
And the valedictorian
sheds her clothes in the midday,
between spring and summer sun,
She says, “this is who I am.
and I’ll never see any of you ever again.”