“On the Way,” this 1960 oil painting by Max Ginsburg, is coming up for auction and the opening bid will be just $250.
Even if it goes for the expected price of $500 to $1,000, it’s a great deal. I’m sharing this with you because it doesn’t fit my own collection but I’d like to think that a friend bought it.
It’s only 17 inches by 22 inches, but it’s an excellent early
Max Ginsburg.
Max worked for decades as an illustrator in New York where he designed more than 800 book covers, mostly for romance novels.
His clients included Avon, Penguin Putnam, Harlequin, Bantam, Dell, Crown, Pocket Books, Berkley, Leisure, Dial, Puffin and Warner Publications, as well as New York Magazine, Fortune Magazine, and the New York Times.
He retired from illustration in 2004 to devote himself fully to his paintings.
He painted “On the Way” more than 50 years ago.
This early Max Ginsburg sold for $900 in 2007.
The same painting is currently listed on eBay for $3,750.
I’ll see you next week.