(#4) Skilled, (#3) Expert, (#2) Masterful, and (#1) Brilliant, is the ascending hierarchy of ability among talented business people. Brilliant is the realm where Simon T. Bailey operates, and now he is teaching others how to elevate their business abilities to that same level of performance. A former Disney sales executive, Simon T. Bailey has written multiple books on the topic and has been invited to be a keynote speaker at more than 2,400 events over the past two decades. Success magazine names him in their “Top 25” alongside Brené Brown, Tony Robbins, and Oprah Winfrey. This week, Simon shares his secret formula with deputy reporter Maxwell Rotbart. Get out your laptop, your iPhone, your smart pad, a pencil and paper, or a crayon and a napkin, because you’re going to want to take notes on all that Simon T. Bailey has to say.