Ever notice how easily you spend money during the weekends or when you're on vacation? Carpe Diem. Enjoy the moment. Your fantasy life won't be over until you get back to the Office on Monday morning.
Actually, that's not true. Your fantasy life will be over the minute you begin reviewing your grocery list of responsibilities; a thing you'll likely put off until that moment when the alarm clock barks your name and you begin sorting priorities for the day ahead. Beep! Beep! Beep! Leisure-World fades into invisibility. Now you're in Busy-ness World.
Are weekday mornings the best time to talk to your customer about buying your product or service? If you sell copy machines or telephone systems or other busy-ness products, the answer may be a resounding yes. But what about engagement rings and oriental rugs? When would be the best time to talk to the customer about these items?
Are your thoughts the same when you're driving to work as they are when you're driving home? Do you watch morning news shows on television in the same frame of mind that you watch the evening news shows?
Is your customer any different?
In the game of persuasion, it is your message that will ultimately determine your success, but good timing can certainly accelerate it. So be sensitive to Frame of Mind. When speaking to your mate, your friend, your boss, your employee or a potential customer, what you say is what's most important. But when you say it can be very important, too.
Roy H. Williams
PS: SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS – A one-day public seminar, “Advertising in America: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why,” will be held at the Wizard's Castle in Austin on Tuesday, Aug. 27. Seating is limited to 30 people and lunch will be provided. There is no charge for the seminar or the lunch. To reserve your seat, contact JG at (800) 425-4769 or email JG@wizardacademy.org.
RADIO SALESPEOPLE – So many of you have asked him to teach a radio-specific sales training course that The Wizard has agreed to do this, but ONE TIME ONLY. If you'd like to hear all the stories and examples the Wizard leaves out of his books and seminars, let JG@wizardacademy.org know of your interest and details will be sent to you.
THE SECOND EDITION of Wizard Academy's free musepaper, The Beagle Bugle, was mailed last Friday and should be arriving in your mailbox soon. Not a subscriber? Email your postal address to Tammy@wizardacademy.org. In just 38 days The Bugle is already at 2,357 names. What a fraternity! “Aroo! Aroo-arooo!” -Tom Walters, editor, The Beagle Bugle
RAPID IDEATION PROCESSING and MARKETING GEONOMICS will be taught at the Academy by the great DAVE LAKHANI September 11-13. For more info, read “Creativity Cubed” from the archives at www.WizardofAds.comor call JG@wizardacademy.org
PS- Why not forward this memo to a friend and suggest that they subscribe to the FREE Monday Morning Memo by the Wizard of Ads? Sign up for the FREE Monday Morning Memo at http://www.WizardofAds.com