Whittington said it.
Eisenberg endorsed it.
The waitress distracted us with a question of her own.
I somehow knew to capture that moment with a photo.
Our conversation never made it back to Daniel’s idea that every life has a theme song, but later that day I carried his wandering thought to the Worthless Bastards at the Toad & Ostrich Pub.
“What is the theme song of your life?” is a question hard to answer, but the Bastards came through as they always do.1
And now we turn to you.
For the purpose of this exercise I’m going to ask you to choose between just two categories:
- Your public theme song. This is a song that will make sense to anyone who really knows you. The music, the lyrics… they fit you. Or at least they fit some aspect of the public you.
- Your private theme song. This is a song that has stayed with you year after year, although you’ve never fully understood why. But there it is, stuck in your unconscious mind. It makes no sense that you feel connected to it, but you do.
Indiana Beagle has asked that you send him either your public theme song or your private one, along with a couple of sentences of explanation. These might show up in the rabbit hole, or in a video, or be used in some other way. I can’t really say for sure.
Indy never explains his motives to me.
I’m not sure he understands them himself.
Roy H. Williams
Indy Beagle is indy@wizardofads.com
1 You’ll find the theme songs of Whittington and Eisenberg and several other Worthless Bastards in the rabbit hole.
Mark Nation has managed businesses in five diverse industries. These experiences have led him to believe that you have the inborn abilty to live an amazing life, if only you knew how to identify and release those abilities. A former Ironman triathlete, Mark has made it his mission to help people transform from ordinary to exceptional. This week, he shares specific tips with Roving Reporter Rotbart. Tune in. Turn on. Have hope. Be different. At MondayMorningRadio.com.