I was reading a collection of quotes recently when I discovered one that made me smile: “There is a general place in your brain, I think, reserved for 'melancholy of relationships past.' It grows and prospers as life progresses, forcing you finally, against your better judgment, to listen to country music.” – Kary Mullis
I said, “This Kary Mullis sounds interesting,” and decided to find out what I could about him.
I learned that Mullis was just 24 years old when Nature magazine published his paper, “The Cosmological Significance of Time Reversal,” in which he suggested that exactly half the universe is hidden inside black holes that consist of antimatter running backward in time.
But wait, there's more… Later, Mullis was buzzing down Highway 128 from San Francisco to Mendocino when he suddenly realized how to make millions – or even billions – of copies of a DNA molecule in a very short time. His breakthrough discovery,called Polymerase Chain Reaction, is a technique that amplifies DNA, enabling scientists to detect DNA sequences, diagnose genetic diseases, carry out DNA fingerprinting, and detect the AIDS virus. For this discovery, Kary Mullis was awarded the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Wow, can I spot interesting people, or what?
Unfortunately, he was working as a scientist for Cetus Corporation at the time, so they became the legal owners of his amazing discovery. When Cetus later sold the technology to LaRoche for $300,000,000, did they give Kary Mullisone percent of the money? Did they toss him 3 mil for his effort? Or maybe evenone third of one percent – a simpering million bucks? Nope, all Kary got was a firm handshake and a warm smile and a certificate suitable for framing.
Gee, I'll bet all the best scientists want to go to work for Cetus now.
During my brief adventure in Kary Mullis land, however, I was delighted to learn that Kary has a new book out called, “Dancing Naked in a Mind Field.” I haven't read it yet, but it's on the way and I'm betting that it will be good.I've asked academy director JG Tornoe to contact the good Dr. Mullis to see ifhe would like to attend the Magical Worlds curriculum at Wizard Academy as myguest. It's not quite the same as winning a Nobel Prize, but it's a lot betterthan being ignored by George Washington three hundred million times. Perhaps Dr.Mullis will want to attend the same session as Dan Ariely from MIT. Tighten your safety belt and be sure your seatback is in the full upright andlocked position. I've got a feeling that 2003 is going to be a year like noother before it. Are we having fun, or what?
Arooo! Aroo-arooo!
Roy H. Williams
PS – Wizard Academy is hosting a no-charge Public Seminar at the Wizard's Castle on Dec. 6 and based on how the Wizard's schedule is shaping up, it may be the last one for awhile. He'll be talking about Brain Lateralisation, Branding, and the 12 Most Common Mistakes in Advertising.Seating is limited, so be sure to reserve yours today. (800) 425-4769 – JG Tornoe