Get ready for a whole day of rapid-fire, time-tested techniques presented in 15-minute segments that can be employed to grow your business. You’ll have a notepad full of notes at the end of the day. (Or, if you’re not a note-taker, you’ll have a nifty yellow legal pad you can take home and, I don’t know, make paper airplanes or something. – Indy Beagle)
The Second Day will be even more magical. You will receive 2 hours of private consulting from a team of at least 2 Wizard of Ads partners. They will help you evaluate your marketing options and give you feedback and advice on any obstacles you face. One of the partner on your team may be a “cub”. (The standards of the Wizards of Ads Partners dictate that any partner with less than 7 years experience as a full-time advertising consultant is still considered a “cub.” A Wizard of Ads “cub” by the way, would be considered the big gun in any other venue.) The information and perspective you receive will be priceless. You – should you decide to attend – will be the lucky beneficiary of a high-level training exercise as the senior partners in the Wizard of Ads group show the cubs how the REALLY big guns do it.
During the hours when you’re not in a private consulting session asking questions and getting answers, you’ll be listening to the other Wizard of Ads partners share case histories, success stories and interesting growth strategies. It’s going to be electric.
The 54 Wizard of Ads partners are gathering from around the world in March, 2017 for a partner meeting in the Wizard Academy tower overlooking Austin, Texas from the top of a plateau 964 feet above the city. Thirty businesses will participate in this event. Will one of them be yours?
Due to the proprietary nature of the training, no advertising professionals will be admitted. Sorry.
Tuesday March 21st
and Wednesday March 22nd, 2017
The cost is $2,000 per seat.
If you are currently the client of a Wizard of Ads partner, this is not the event for you.
We have other plans for you.
But wait. It gets even better.
Each of the Wizard of Ads partners has been given a unique promo code that will save you $500 off the price of this private event. That’s enough to pay for your hotel room for 3 nights! To receive your promo code, visit and choose the partner you would like to be your host. This will be the partner responsible for making sure you get what you came for. All you have to do is use their unique promo code when you register. (They may or may not be assigned to your problem-solving session, however. Problem-solving teams will made up according to entirely different criteria.)
And it gets even better than THAT? Really?
On top of your $500 promo code discount, an additional $500 early bird discount will be awarded to business owners who register before midnight, January 15, 2016. That’s enough to pay for your hotel room AND your plane ticket to Austin!
Thirty seats are all we have and there will be way more businesses than that who want to get in on this deal. I’d hurry if I were you. But hey, it’s your call.
2017 is going to be a great year for everyone who attends this event.
(Do you see how “this event” is a different color on the line above?
That means you should click it.)
Indy Beagle
PS – You will not be asked to buy anything and no one is going to suggest that you hire them. If you want to discuss an ongoing future with any of the partners you encounter, it will be up to you to ask about it.