Dear Ralph,
My name is David and I want to share a curious story with you. I was recently taking a walk with my friend Dana along the Albany New York bike path. It runs along the Hudson River and is quite rural. Grass, trees, birds, etc. There is really nothing created by man short of the tarmac.
Dana and I were talking about my struggle with a new direction in life, job, relationships, etc. We then met a woman walking toward us. This woman had three dogs on leads and one dog off lead. The dog off lead looked at me and ran 100 feet into the local field next to us and grabbed an until-then hidden white sign about one foot square in size. The dog then ran straight to me and pushed the sign into my knees. We played tug for a few minutes until the dog let me have the sign. I turned it over and read the following:
“There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path.
Don’t allow yourself to become one of them.” -Ralph Marston
I then threw the sign like a frisbee for the dog again. He chased it and grabbed it and ran straight at me and pushed it right into my knees. I read it again and the dog-walker and Dana and I had a good ‘guffaw’ over the synchronicity of it all. Your quote was just what I needed to hear. I believe God, Angels and a dog were involved getting me to hear that much needed message. This was two days ago and my life is now moving forward and I am no longer serving as an obstacle.
Thought you should know.
Peace, David Eilers
Ralph Marston is a longtime friend and supporter of Wizard Academy.
Here are the books he has written, or you can Google Ralph S. Marston Jr.
and see a bunch of other stuff he has done. – Indy