Robert, here’s that billboard mock-up I promised you. “Frameline Magnetism” refers to the eye being magnetically drawn to the edges of an image, unconsciously filling in the parts that extend beyond the borders or “framelines”. The idea is that the diamond is too big to fit on the billboard. Ciao for Niao, Roy
- Ads can be “category specific,” as in “This is an ad that works for jewelry stores.” But an ad that works for everyone in the category is an ad that doesn’t work very well for anyone at all.
- Ads can be “client specific.” These are ads that work miraculously for the client for whom they are written, but that won’t work for anyone else. They are is specific to the company for which they are written. These are the best ads on earth.
- Ads can be “product specific.” These ads will work for anyone who sells the product. The ad below is product specific.
You are sitting in a candlelit restaurant when you hear a strange noise [sfx-open] and the walls are instantly covered with jagged shards of golden light.
You hear another strange noise [sfx-close] and the jagged shards of light are gone.
Murmurs of wonder flood the candlelit restaurant.
[sfx-open] The jagged shards appear on the walls again, dancing in unison to some silent music that only they can hear.
[sfx-close] And now they are gone.
The crowd applauds this unexpected delight. Smiles are beaming. Teeth are bright.
[sfx-open] More jagged shards. More golden light. [sfx-close]
No one notices the man at the table in the middle of the room, staring at his tablecloth, lost in thought. A woman emerges from the shadows behind him. Startled, he looks up, drops to one knee,
[sfx-open] and the golden shards of light dance fast and bright across his face and hers.
And then they kiss. And the candlelit restaurant explodes in applause.
[sfx-close] A tiny little box sits empty on the table.
Flickering Firelight diamonds™, available exclusively at [Name of Jeweler]
© Roy H. Williams