Couldn’t help remember that the last time you showed us this video:
Was back when you were telling us that “Curves Cost Money”
I guess you get caught up in adventures when life throws you a curve? Or you set out on an adventure when you want to see what’s “around the next bend in the road” Or what’s over the horizon? Or maybe over the rainbow?
I think what stops most people is the fear that Curves do indeed cost money, and that they don’t have the disposable income for an adventure… But money is replenish-able whereas time (aka life) is not. And most fortunes are made from discoveries of one sort or another.
I slept through your initial “People Stories” challenge, but I won’t miss out on this one, even though I work from home. I guess that gives me a lot of curves to go through on my commute right?
– Jeff
P.S. Did you see this set of Life Magazine pictures of Natalie Wood I sent you last week? Seems she and Dennis Hopper would seek out greasy spoons in LA looking for curves, adventures, and misfits too: