“Indy, Evan might be right about the origin of his willingness to ‘go with the flow’. Being the youngest child in a large household makes it easy to follow the lead of the more experienced children. All I know for sure is that Evan has proven to be exactly what I knew he was when I asked him to become a Wizard of Ads partner.
1. Because of the years he spent in Special Forces, I knew he would respond with speed and execute with precision when called upon to do a task. But I also knew he would wait to be asked. This makes him an excellent team member.
2. I knew from observing his work that he was much more highly skilled than most people realize. They underestimate Evan because his modesty and “team” outlook keep him from feeling compelled to interject his opinion.
3. “Intentionality” is just a Gen-Z buzzword that has become popular in recent years because it sounds authentic, sincere, and spiritual, but without that taint of religiosity.
4. “Being intentional” means “to make a conscious decision.” It also implies that you will give your “intentional” decision enough priority that you will actually follow through with what you decided.
5. Evan is exceptionally “intentional.” But his natural inclination to serve others causes him to allow others to create his priorities for him. This is, in my opinion, why he is currently fascinated by the concept of “deciding for yourself what you want to do.” Evan Chance has always been an extraordinary First Lieutenant who will execute his Commander’s intent without hesitation, doubt, or struggle, so this new idea of “being his own General” is an entirely new and different thought.
And then the wizard drained the last of his glass and said, “I think that’s what is going on in Evan’s head right now, but I’m often wrong about this sort of thing. How would you answer Evan’s question?”