I enjoyed the opportunity to text my friend Don Kuhl this week…
Don, one of my partners, Tim Miles, texted me this morning regarding your birthday message to Kate:
“I relentlessly wonder if America is doing everything it can to protect this national treasure… so thankful you introduced me to his work and words. – Tim”
This is the ‘Aging with Don Kuhl’ birthday message to Kate that Tim Miles was writing about:
Dear Kate,
Happy birthday. I don’t keep track, but I think you broke the 50 mark. I am so proud of you.
Memories I treasure:
Your first romance with Walter in Denver. You were both three. You told him what to do (in a kind way, of course — most of the time).
Our Dairy Queen get-togethers through grade school and beyond. We solved so many important matters over ice cream.
Our trip to Northwestern to move you into a “luxury” dorm room. A sad day for me. A new world opening for you.
I had the first dance with you at your wedding. My little girl had blossomed into a beautiful woman.
My visit to Paramount Studios to celebrate your first professional marketing job. I was certain you made “Forrest Gump” a big success.
Our road trips that helped make The Change Companies a national success. I’m sorry I made you work over your lunch hour.
Your guidance as my daughter-psychologist. You keep sneaking me “suggestions” to help keep me on track. It’s a big job.
I love you so much.
Daddy Don