Jeffery Eisenberg sent this to me the other day, “You can warn your friend that he is being conned, and he will get angry at you. And when the whole thing comes crashing down and he loses his money, and he can no longer deny that you were right, he will never forgive you. He will forgive the crook, but he will not forgive the people who warned him about the crook. The crook just took his money. But you made him feel dumb.” – David Frum, on the Bulwark podcast
“I’ve learned it’s also that way when you warn people about relationships. If you want to keep your friend, keep your mouth shut. It is far better to comfort them than to warn them.” – Jeffrey
HOT TIP – Make Yourself Happy. Click Jeffrey’s name in the line above. Sign up for his class Aug. 13-14. It will give you more confidence, competence, and consideration. Your teeth will be whiter and you’ll be a better dancer. – Indy Beagle