This is the view from the anteroom to the Wizard’s conference room
in the chime tower of the Welcome Center on the campus of
Wizard Academy in Austin. Whew. That was a mouthful.
“And the truth I see is that the Bible is populated with people like you and me. People who are flawed and imperfect. People who have crooked teeth and bad skin. Who have stinky breath and dirty feet. Who don’t always know the difference between right and wrong. Who are self-serving and capricious. People caught in the conflict and dichotomy between good and evil, between the sacred and the profane, between beauty and ugliness, and between the bright and the moronic. People who hope — and many believe — that they are made in the very image of God.”
– Barry Moser,
Matt Skuta has been capturing one second of his life each day since Jan. 1st. Two days ago he strung these blips together to give us a window into the mundane and meaningful moments that it would appear we all share.
It’s really a work of insight. If vice-chancellor Daniel Whittington can
track Mr. Skuta down, the wizard is going to offer him a scholarship to
Wizard Academy. Young Skuta is our brand of crazy.